Thursday, 19 July 2012

Day 40 - 50 Budapest to Vranovska Plaz (Czech). 559km (Total 2350km)

Very fast tap tap tap. on a public computer, 15 minutes only.  Access to the internet has been difficult, harder in Austria then in a tiny one street town in Serbia.  Who would have thought?


Had a nice time in Budapest with Mother Pike too,  in a geat pokey apartment that we had for a luxurious 5 days rest.  The boiler looked like a part of a V2 flying bomb but we didnt explode so good times.  It was great to have a cooker and a fridge. Something our tent does not have (not in this climate anyway).

An easy route out of budapest along the EV6 route path, well signed and smooth going to our next country and capital city-  Bratislava in Slovakia.  We even got in a few little ferries across the rver to mix it up.    Bratisalava was only 2 nights for us, but we lucked in with a groupe of a 100 kayakers who had set up camp right smack bang in the centre on the nice river bank, in a private kayaking club ground.  I charmed them with my tedious Slovakian and German, then switched to English since that was easier (and less annoying for them), and we snuck in with them and enjoyed some high society (location anyway) city camping.  Thanks Siggy!! We had some late night drunken swimming in the then chilly Danube.  Nice!!  A great camp.

Our route, and the location of Bratislava, meant that we were in and out of Slovakia within 48 hours.  A nice illusion of speed!  A simple but boring route west into Austria and Vienna.  We got soaked in our wettest day yet.  Luckily our clothes were in plastic bags, so safe and snug.  But my bag was open, so a lot was wet.  Also a good samaritan deed added 25km to my day in the rain, but its all good karma.

so so so..

Vienna, um, wet, expensive (for us)!  great architecture and a nice subway system though.  Poor camp site.  Collect the rubbish!!

I have ran out of time.  Suffice to say, right now we have made it into Czech Republic, after a great route through Austria.  We slept in an empty scout hut one night, just me and Laura.  what would Lord Powell say!!  It was great.  I used to be a scout and have very fond memories of it all.

More pictures and less haste next post.

Godspeed!!  John

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